Climate Catalyst Intake Form



Climate Catalyst Form Salesforce
Project Type

At this time, the IBank Climate Catalyst Program has capital to invest in the Forest Biomass Management & Utilization and Clean Energy Transmission sectors. The Climate Catalyst Program anticipates expanding investment efforts to the Distributed Generation and Storage, Net-Zero Emissions Buildings, and Zero-Emissions Transportation sectors, and invites interested stakeholders to include project information for consideration. The Climate Catalyst Team will be in touch in the event financing becomes available in these sectors.

At this time, the IBank Climate Catalyst Program has available capital to invest in the Forest Biomass Management & Utilization and Clean Energy Transmission sectors. While the Climate Catalyst Program is not accepting applications for projects in the Climate-Smart Agriculture and Circular Economy sector at this time, interested stakeholders may include project information for consideration. The Climate Catalyst Team will be in touch in the event financing becomes available in these sectors.

Company/Organization Type
Entity Type

Address fields below are for the location of your Company/Organization

Select a California region(s) for the location of your project
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0 of 2000 max characters
0 of 255 max characters
0 of 255 max characters

Please enter your best estimate of the total debt financing sought.

Enter additional financing terms sought, such as tenor, phases, use of funds, desired loan product, and the high and low end of the range of financing sought (if applicable).

0 of 255 max characters
0 of 2000 max characters
Timing of need
Presence of co-investors